Известные цитаты Тупака Амару Шакура (216 цитат)

Цитата Тупака Амару Шакура — это не просто слова, а глубокое философское учение о жизни. Его высказывания о том, что нужно верить в себя, бороться за свои мечты и не сдаваться никогда, вдохновляют на подвиги и достижения. Шакур был не только талантливым рэпером, но и мыслителем, который оставил нам наследие, которое будет жить еще долгие годы.

Н**гас будут нести чушь, стоит мне уйти, ведь бояться меня воплоти.
Ты прав. Я сумасшедший. Но знаете что еще? Это меня не волнует.
Читаю этот текст на грани безумия Я помешан на деньгах, ниггер, Вот почему мы делаем это
Единственное, что уважает Америка — это власть, а власть никогда не проигрывает. После беспорядков в Лос-Анджелесе нас пытались успокоить, но всё осталось так же, как было.
Мне кажется, образцы для подражания сегодня существуют не для того, чтобы их ставили на пьедестал. Они — больше ангелы со сломанными крыльями.
Я ребёнок общества, таким меня сделали, и сейчас я говорю, что думаю, и никому это не нравится. Ты сделала меня таким, Америка.
Пусть Господь судит преступников.
У меня нет надежд на будущее. Я отклонился от истинного пути и близок к краху,потому что плохо понимаю этот мир. Быть может кто-то объяснит,что мне надо делать в этой жизни? Но мне надо кормить свою семью, это все что у меня осталось. Поэтому я вне закона,тусуюсь со своими корешами,а не с фальшивками из модных клубов. Я привык к опасности,я не удивляюсь убийствам в квартале,родные улицы полны бандитских разборок. Ну почему мы умираем молодыми? Парни так юны. А их жизнь в руках отморозков с пушками. Я уже видел столько трупов… В мыслях полный бардак…
Я чувствую, что я как будто в руках Черного Иисуса, и он со мной в течение всей моей жизни, чтобы привести туда, где я должен быть.
Я вырос в этом обществе, поэтому нечего ждать того, что я буду идеальным и непогрешимым, потому что я делаю, то что делаю.
Я знаю, вы боитесь меня. Использую свои секреты в войне, так что трусы бойтесь меня
Несмотря на то, что у нас связаны руки, музыку у нас пока не отобрали. С ее помощью я буду отстаивать своё мнение. Люди говорят мне не останавливаться, в отличие от других. Страху не одолеть меня.
Мы много говорим о Малколме Икс и Мартине Лютере Кинге Младшем, но пора быть такими как они, такими же сильными. Они были простыми смертными, как и мы, и каждый из нас может стать как они. Я не хочу быть образцом для подражания. Я всего лишь хочу быть тем, кто говорит: «Вот кто я, и вот что я делаю.»
Я хочу быть частью поколения, которое будет стоять у истоков становления общества, где каждый может себя воспитать.
Настоящие ни**е*ы делают то, что хотят, фальшивые ни**е*ы делают то, что могут.
Я — отражение сообщества.
Я не буду отрицать — я настоящий бандит Вряд ли вам захочется шутить со мной Полиция стреляет в меня Но они ничего не могут сделать гангстеру.
Старые порядки уже не действуют, поэтому мы должны придумать что-то новое, чтобы выжить.
Войны приходят и уходят, но мои солдаты остаются навсегда.
Научись видеть во мне брата, а не чужака.Все должно быть именно так.
Теперь весь мир называет меня убийцей, но все, что я когда-либо делал, это пытался показать детям правду.
Так происходит всегда, все ни**е*ы, которые меняют мир, умирают, но умирают они не своей смертью, а насильственной.
Если бы Бог хотел, чтобы я молчал, он бы никогда не показал мне, что делает.
Всё что мы делаем это бежим твою мать! Я чувствую себя сранным бегуном на спортивной дорожке.
Дни уходят в прошлое и они проходят мимо. Время движется быстрее. Нет времени, чтобы тратить его впустую.
Когда я был зачат и пришел в этот мир, моя мама была Пантерой, матерью-одиночкой, но она гордилась, когда видела, как ее сын заводит толпу.
Мне нечего терять! Я против этого мира,детка.
Разве это преступление — бороться за то, что принадлежит тебе?
Вы сейчас узнаете кое о чем. И вам потом тяжело будет улыбнуться. Но что бы вы ни увидели, через этот дождь и эту боль, сохраните свое чувство юмора. Надо уметь улыбаться, несмотря на всё дерьмо, которое нас окружает.
Я курю дурь, чтобы избавиться от боли.
Кто стал дружить с тобой для обретенья благ, не друг надежный твой, а самый страшный враг.
Если ты проиграл самому себе, тогда ты проиграл всем.
Для каждой темной ночи, есть яркий день.
Встань на колени, молись Богу с надеждой на то, что он услышит.
Я знаю, иногда кажется, что жить сложно, но запомни одно: после каждой, даже самой темной ночи наступает день. Так что не важно, насколько сложно добиться того, что ты хочешь, расправляй плечи, поднимай голову и терпи.
Я прошел через ад и вернулся, И что бы не случилось, знайте я вернусь.
Только Бог может судить меня.
Я не обещаю, что смогу изменить мир, но обещаю, что смогу найти слова, которые по настоящему изменят мир.
Скромность сексуальна.
Несмотря на все, что вы видите, несмотря на дождь и боль, сохраняйте чувства юмора. Вы должны быть в состоянии улыбнуться, несмотря на все дерьмо.
Сначала они все крутые, но когда у тебя в руках ствол-они разговаривают по другому.
Не живи с целью воевать, живи с целью выжить!
Во истечении тишины (спокойствия) прислушайся к океану.
Вы можете потратить минуты, часы, дни, недели или даже месяцы на переосмысление ситуации; пытаясь сложить кусочки воедино, оправдывая то, что могло случиться, и что случилось бы … или вы можете просто оставить всё это в прошлом и двигаться дальше.
Единственное, что есть у спящего человека — это сны.
Я лучше умру как человек, чем буду трусом.
Единственные вещи, которые приходят к спящему человеку — это мечты.
Запишите мои слова. Я не гангстер и никогда им не был. Я не вор, который хватает твой кошелек. Я не тот парень, который взламывает твою машину. Я не с теми людьми, кто ворует и причиняет боль другим. Я просто брат твой, который дает отпор.
Не должно быть, что у этих людей самолеты, а у других нет домов, квартир, лачуг, угла, штанов. — Кто-то скажет, что они заслужили это, иди и заработай тоже самое себе. — Если они заработали, то, я думаю, что это классно и они заслужили все это, но, даже если ты заслуживаешь, ты все еще должен. Посмотри на меня, у меня нет всех этих мега денег, но я чувствую вину, когда прохожу мимо бездомного, я должен дать ему что-то. Если я знаю, что у меня 3000 долларов в кармане, то это неправильно, дать человеку четвертак или доллар.
Я знаю что ты богат, у тебя есть 40 миллиардов долларов, но, пожалуйста, ограничься одним домом, тебе нужен всего один дом, если у тебя двое детей. Пожалуйста, ограничься всего двумя комнатами, зачем тебе все эти 52 комнаты? Есть люди, у которых угла нет!
Я не вижу никаких перемен. Встаю утром и спрашиваю себя, Стоит ли жизнь этого воздуха, что я дышу?
Жизнь — колесо фортуны, и сейчас у меня есть шанс покрутить его.
Я вижу смерть — за углом, каждый день. Держу это внутри себя, всё равно, жизнь не вечна. Бороться и искать, моя судьба ведёт меня к смерти.
Жизнь – колесо фортуны, и это мой шанс крутануть его.
Мой единственный страх смерти — это вернуться на эти улицы в следующей жизни.
Я хотел показать миру истину! Показать жизнь моего народа,показать мою жизнь. А в ответ получил пули от моих же братьев.
Переживи ночь — и день будет светлее.
Я не идеален. Но я всегда буду подлинным.
Я сложный человек, чтобы любить, но если я люблю, то я люблю по-настоящему.
Моя мама обычно говорила мне, что если ты не можешь найти то, ради чего стоит жить, лучше найти то, за что стоит умереть.
У них есть деньги на войны, но они не могут накормить бедных.
Смерть – не самая большая потеря в жизни. Самая большая потеря – это то, что умирает в нас, пока мы еще живы. Никогда не сдавайтесь.
It’s not going to stop until we stop it. And it’s not just white men that’s doing this to Brenda. It’s not just white men that’s keeping us trapped. It’s ‘black’, and we have to find the new African in everybody. In all of us, because if we keep running around looking for black and who got the most colors on or who got the baddest dashiki, we’re still going to, excuse my language, we’re still going to get fucked. Because it hurts me that my mother right now is going though, you know, she has to get clean. This is somebody I watched travel the whole country. You know what I’m saying? During the time when our women were scared to speak up. But, a Black Panther she spoke at Harvard, Yale, everywhere and now. I see my mother as what’s really going on. You know what I’m saying? I don’t see no big parade around my mother now. She’s got a dozen fucking awards, and I don’t see nobody there. You understand what I’m saying? So out of this, I take that lightly. I take all this lightly.
What I want you to take seriously, is what we have to do for the youth. Because we’re coming up in a totally different world. This is not the same world that you had this is not 6th Street its not. You grew up, we grew up B. C. Before crack. That’s just saying it all. You understand? We did not grow up without parents. You had parents that told you this and that and told you what went on back in the day. You have young kids, fourteen, coming home and their mama is smoking out, going to their best friend to get the product. You understand what I’m saying? So that means it’s not just about you taking care of «your» child. It’s about you taking care of «these children». It hurts that I got to, it bothers me, not hurts, that I have to sidestep my youth to stand up and do some shit that somebody else is suppose to be doing. You understand what I’m saying? There’s too many men out here for me to be doing this, because it ain’t my turn yet. I’m supposed to be following behind him getting the knowledge. I don’t even got a chance to get the fucking knowledge. I can’t go to college. There’s too much problems out here. I don’t got the money. Nobody does. You understand what I’m saying? So what I’m saying is, it’s not as easy as we’re mapping it out to be. We’ve got to stay real. Before we can be new African we’ve gotta be black first. You understand? We’ve gotta get our brothers from the streets like Harriett Tubman did. Why can’t we look at that and see exactly what she was doing? Like Malcolm did, the real Malcolm, before the Nation of Islam. You’ve got to remember, this was a pimp. You know what I’m saying, we forgot about all that. In our strive to be enlightened we forgot about all our brothers in the street, about all our dope dealers, our pushers and our pimps, and that’s who’s teaching the new generation, because y’all not doing it. I’m sorry. But, it’s the pimps and pushers who’s teaching us. So, if you got a problem with how we were raised, its because they was the only ones who could do it. They the only ones who did it, because everybody else wanted to go to college, and you know, yeah everything’s changed, they were the ones telling you ‘the white man ain’t shit, there you go, check this out young blood, you take this product, you switch it, you get money and that’s how you beat the white man, you get money, you get the hell up out of here.’
I want, when they see me, They know that everyday when I’m breathing is for us to go further. Everytime I speak I want the truth to come out. Not one person even realizes that I have white relatives, my cousin just had a son who is White but everytime I speak I want a shiver so yes, I do omit things that I feel are not accurately portraying my character.

The main thing for us to remember is that, the same crime element that white people are scared of, black people are scared of. The same crime element that white people fear, black people fear. So we defend our self from the same crime element that they are scared of, you know what I’m saying, while they are waiting for legislations to pass and everything, we’re next door to the killer, we’re next door to him you know. Because we up in the projects where it’s 80 niggas in the building. All them killers that they letting out, they’re right there in that building. Just because we’re black we get along with the killers or something? We get along with rapist’s because we’re black and from the same hood? What is that? We need protection too.
I’m known as a survivor now, I hope so, for the jail thing, bullets and everything, controversies and everything, I hope so. And I want to be in the future known as somebody. You know I want people to be talking about me like you know: «remember when he was real bad, remember when Tupac was real bad». You know what I mean, they do that about a lot of actors now, like John Travolta I read stories like «remember you were wild.»
Listen to the words people say in their lyrics, and tell me, if that’s some real shit, if that’s real to you, you know what I mean. Listen to what they sayin’, don’t just bob your head to the beat, peep the game, and listen to what Im saying. Hold us accountable for it.
All good niggas, all the niggas who change the world, die in violence. They don’t die in regular ways.
You claim to be a player, but I fucked your wife.
I’m a reflection of the community.
What I want you to take seriously is what we have to do for the youth.
I know how it’s gonna be when I die. It’s going to be no noise, you ain’t going to hear people screaming. I’mma fade out.
My mother was pregnant with me while she was in prison. She was her own attorney, never been to law school. She was facing 300 and something odd years. One black woman, pregnant, beat the case. That just goes to show you the strength of a black woman and the strength of the oppressed.
But in my homeboys’ high school, it’s not like that. They don’t have trips to go see this Broadway play, they don’t read things we read. They didn’t know when I was like: «Yo, Shakespeare’s dope.»
It’s like a battle, trying to find the right words to say at the right time.
Jail is big business, believe me. I’m in jail, I see the big business. You can feed a whole town off one jail. This jail is in the middle of a town that feeds everybody. Everybody works here, this is the main income. So if there were no criminals, nobody would work.
Killing ain’t fair, but somebody’s got to do it.
The guns are turning away from Europe and Russia and Iran and Iraq and they’re turning to us.
I believe honestly that I can talk. I believe that I have the ability to reason, I have logic, I have compassion, I have understanding. If we talk there’s no problem you know what I’m saying. But that’s not what happened. People used what they heard in media and that’s how they come at me, and then you know we got a clash.
Measure a man by his actions fully, through his whole life, from the beginning to the end.
Best Of 2Pac Vol 1:Thug and Vol 2:Life
Accept no substitutes; I bring truth to the youth.
Now if we do wanna live the thug life and the gangsta’ life and all that, OK, so stop being cowards and let’s have a revolution. But we don’t wanna do that, dudes just wanna live «character», they wanna be «cartoons», but if they really wanted to do something, they was that tuff, alright, let’s start our own country, let’s start a revolution, let’s get outta’ here, let’s do something. But they don’t wanna do that, they wanna pimp our communities and portray this image that they know we all can’t survive and make, and that’s what I saw.
It’s not just about you taking care of «your» child. It’s about you taking care of these children.
It’s not going to stop until «we» stop it. And it’s not just white man that’s doing this to Brenda. It’s not just white man that’s keeping us trapped. It’s «black.»
I have no patience for anybody that doubts me, none at all.
I’m not thuggin’ for me, I’m thuggin’ for my family, I pay all the bills, I feed my whole family, wrong or right, I do and I can’t stop.
I have no patience for anybody that doubts me, none at all.
I’m not thuggin’ for me, I’m thuggin’ for my family, I pay all the bills, I feed my whole family, wrong or right, I do and I can’t stop.
Keep ya head up. Do what you gotta do. And then, inside of you, I will be reborn.
It’s a constant man-ego-check going on in the streets, in this world.
If your not cheering for me, for what I’m doing, don’t cheer for me. Don’t cheer cause you think I’m cute, you know what I’m saying, screw that. Cheer for me for what I’m doing, for what I stand for, and when I go to jail you should cheer louder.
First, I wanna say ‘peace’ to my mother. She’s not here but I gotta give a ‘peace out’ to her because I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my mother.
America is the biggest gang in the world.
And you can’t go, «There’s a hair in my Jell-O. I’d like to send this back. Can I see the cook, please?» The cook is a big dude named Bubba Joe.
The Rose that Grew from Concrete
Remember, this country had a man named J. Edgar Hoover, whose job it was to destroy the credibility of any black man coming up.
On the whole, I don’t have any friends. Friends come and go; I’ve lost my trust factor. I believe I have people who think they’re my friend. And I believe that there are people probably in their heart who are friends toward me or are friends to me. But they’re not my friends, because what I learned is that fear is stronger than love.
Live At The House Of Blues (with Outlawz, Dogg Pound, Snoop Dogg, K-Ci & JoJo) (2005)
Currency means nothing if you still ain’t free. Money breeds jealousy. Take the game from me; I hope for better days. Trouble comes naturally. Running from authorities. ‘Til they capture me, and my aim is to spread more smiles than tears. Utilize lessons learned from my childhood years.
To dance with the naked [blow-up] doll, that was me! That’s what I mean by I’m real, I’m truly hardcore, because I needed the money and I had to work. So if he told me that for me to get paid I had to go out there in bikini briefs and hop on top of this [blow-up] doll and that’s how I gotta get paid, and I was homeless at the time, that’s what I had to do. But What I did was not let him pimp me, you know what I’m saying. It wasn’t like I just did that because that was my order. As soon as I got the check’s to say what was on my mind, I said what was on my mind. And we have a platinum record now, you know what I’m saying.
My adversaries crumble when we rumble; it’s a catastrophe.
You grew up, we grew up B. C. Before crack. That’s just saying it all. You understand? You don’t have parents… You have young kids, fourteen, coming home and their mama is smoking out, going to their best friend to get the product.
When I was a little baby, I remember that one moment of calm peace, and three minutes after that, it was on.
If you thought about it I’m hardly the villain, I’m hardly the one you should be scared of. It’s the guy who can’t talk, it’s the guy without a job, it’s the one with scares in his face, not the one clean cut, you know what I mean you should worry about a lot of other things, but not me.
It’s not like I idolize this one guy Machiavelli. I idolize that type of thinking where you do whatever’s gonna make you achieve your goal.
More money means litigating, more player-hating. Got a cell at the pen, for me waiting. Is this my fate?
I got shot. I always felt like I’d be shot. Somebody was trying to do me some harm because a lot of people don’t like me. But I didn’t think it was gonna happen at that particular moment.
It’s like, you hungry, you reached your level. We asked ten years ago. We was asking with the Panthers. We was asking with them, the Civil Rights Movement. We was asking. Those people that asked are dead and in jail. So now what do you think we’re gonna do? Ask?
Every day, I’m standing outside trying to sing my way in: We are hungry, please let us in. We are hungry, please let us in. After about a week that song is gonna change to: We hungry, we need some food. After two, three weeks, it’s like: Give me the food Or I’m breaking down the door. After a year you’re just like: I’m picking the lock. Coming through the door blasting.
I’m known as a survivor now, I hope so, for the jail thing, bullets and everything, controversies and everything, I hope so. And I want to be in the future known as somebody. You know I want people to be talking about me like you know: «remember when he was real bad, remember when Tupac was real bad». You know what I mean, they do that about a lot of actors now, like John Travolta I read stories like «remember you were wild». And all these other people, and now they’re like sweet hearts. We all should get that chance, I just want my chance.
No, you don’t wanna get me started. Jell-O with hair all in the mold. I’d be like, «Damn, man, how are you gonna mess up Jell-O?» Jell-O is so wholesome and family-like. It just ruins it for me. To have a hair in there, yeah. I mean, I’m like, «Come on, Bill Cosby pumps this, man!»
Basically It’s a hypocritical view, because what your saying is it’s okay for us to live in the dirt, in the gutter, in less than human conditions, but it’s not okay for us to tell people that we are living in these conditions.
Coming to grips with my past, it was hard. I don’t feel like what I did was so evil, I just feel like the way I was living, and my mentality, was part of my progression to be a man.
Don’t support the phonies, support the real.
The only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams.
Now ain nobody tell us it would be fair no love for my father cause the coward wasn’t their» {Tu Pac Shukur}
The seed must grow regardless Of the fact that it’s planted in stone
Why am I fighting to live, If I am just living to fight Why am I trying to see. When there aint nothing in sight Why am I trying to give, When no one gives me a try Why am I dying to live, If I am just living to die?
I am the future of black America.
It’s not my liking for guns, what about the NRA? We all have the rights to bear arms, I have that, I have that same right as you do. Just because I’m black doesn’t mean I shouldn’t have a gun; I legally own guns.
You have to work from one point to go to another. So I admire work ethic, I think it should be re-inforced through out our neigbourhoods, that everybody should work hard, practice makes perfect, you have to be diligent with what you want, you have to apply your self, you have to motivate your self. You have to do for-self by your self, and then you can do things for other people. But that’s what I had to do, I had to do for-self.
The american dream wasn’t meant for me, cause lady liberty’s a hypocrite she lied to me, promised me freedom, education, and equality never gave me nothing but slavery but now look at how dangerous you made me callin me a mad man because im strong and bold.
It’s like if you plant something in the concrete and if it grow and the rose petal got all kinda scratches and marks, you ain’t gonna say «damn, look at all the scratches and marks on the rose that grew from the concrete..» you gonna be like «DAMN! a ROSE grew from the CONCRETE?
My biggest fear of death is to come back reincarnated
I think I’m a natural-born leader. I know how to bow down to authority if it’s authority that I respect.
Everybody against me. Why? Why me? I have not brought violence to you. I have not brought Thug Life to America. I didn’t create Thug Life. I diagnosed it.
Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots
I don’t see myself being special; I just see myself having more responsibilities than the next man. People look to me to do things for them, to have answers.
Sometimes when I’m alone I Cry, Cause I am on my own. The tears I cry are bitter and warm. They flow with life but take no form I Cry because my heart is torn. I find it difficult to carry on. If I had an ear to confide in, I would cry among my treasured friend, but who do you know that stops that long, to help another carry on. The world moves fast and it would rather pass by. Then to stop and see what makes one cry, so painful and sad. And sometimes… I Cry and no one cares about why.
Never surrender, it’s all about the faith you got: don’t ever stop, just push it ’till you hit the top and if you drop, at least you know you gave your all to be true to you, that way you can never fall
Hate to sound sleazy, but tease me, I don’t want it if it’s that easy
I made a metamorphose, I’m a new person today, because I used to strongly and honestly, honestly! I feel like I can represent my generation so much because I honestly did not care whether I lived or died. But now I can not die, with people thinking I’m a rapist or a criminal, I can not leave until this shit is straight, you know I’m not suicidal. I can’t go until ya’ll really know what time it is. And then after that, BOOM!, It’s all over and we can see how this shit fall, but that’s how it is, and the reason being is because if I can’t live free, if I can’t live with the same respect as the next man, I don’t wanna be here, because god has cursed me to see what life should be like, If God wanted me to be this person and be happy here, he wouldn’t let me feel so oppressed, he wouldn’t let me feel so trampled on, you know what I’m saying, he wouldn’t let me think the things I think. So I feel I’m doing Gods work, you know what I’m saying just because I don’t have nothing to pass around for people to put money in a bucket don’t mean I ain’t doing God’s work.
Trust nobody, TRUST NO BODY.
Prison kills your spirit, straight up. It kills your spirit. There is no creativity, there’s none of that.
I think that I’m really, I was a reactionary, and now I don’t do that any more. Same person, but I don’t react. Before, I reacted. I didn’t like the cameras, I split.
You have to be logical. You know? If I know that in this hotel room they have food every day, and I’m knocking on the door every day to eat, and they open the door, let me see the party, let me see them throwing salami all over, I mean, just throwing food around, but they’re telling me there’s no food.
I can’t explain why I shine and no one else shines. I think everybody shines in different things.
Watch people, because you can fake for a long time, but one day you’re gonna show yourself to be a phony.

I gotta big mouth, I can’t help it, I talk from my heart, I’m real you know what I’m sayin whatever comes comes. But my controverse problems, It’s not my fault, I try to find my way in the world you know, I try to be somebody instead of just, make money off of everybody. You know what im saying, so I go down paths that haven’t been traveled before and I usually mess up, but I learn, you know what I’m saying, I come back stronger, I’m not talking ignorant, you know what I’m saying. So obviously put thought into what I do. So I think my mouth, my controverse, I have not been out of the paper since I joined Digital Underground, I’ve been in all, you know what I’m saying, my name has not been not uttered, you know what I’m saying, and that’s good for me because I don’t wanna be forgotten. If I’m forgotten then that means I’m comfortable and that means I think everything is okay.
Instead of war on poverty, they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.
Niggers was the ones with the rope, hanging off trees; Niggas are the ones with gold ropes, hanging out at clubs.
All I’m trying to do is survive and make good out of the dirty, nasty, unbelievable lifestyle that they gave me.
we wouldn’t ask why a rose that grew from the concrete for having damaged petals, in turn, we would all celebrate its tenacity, we would all love its will to reach the sun, well, we are the roses, this is the concrete and these are my damaged petals, dont ask me why, thank god, and ask me how
Out of anger comes controversy, out of controversy comes conversation, out of conversation comes action.
It seems, my main thing was to be major paid The game sharper than a motherfucking razor blade Say money bring bitches, bitches bring lies.
For every dark night, there’s a brighter day.
The only thing that can kill me is death, that’s the only thing that can ever stop me, is death, and even then my music will live forever.
The only way I’ve been practicing my whole life, to live my life is to be responsible for what I do. I don’t know how to be responsible for what every black male did, I don’t know. And yes, I am gonna say that I’m a thug, that’s because I came from the gutter and I’m still here! I’m not saying I’m a thug because I wanna rob you or rape people and things. I’m a business man, I mean, you know I’m a business man because you find me at my places of business.
I’ve always been an actor, the reason I’ve been successful in the rap-game I think is that I treat my albums like movies, and I treat writing it like I’m a character writing a story, you know, for each album whatever I’m going through, whatever stages I’m going through, and I do it vividly with vivid pitcure, with action and description, and an beginning and with an end, and conflict, and you know, redemption, things like that. So I feel like I always been an actor and acting is my first love.
Some people say I was a thug and a gangster; other people remember me as a poet and a born leader. But I’m saying to you, measure a man by his actions fully, through his whole life, from the beginning to the end.
The reason I sell 6 million records, the reason I could go to jail and come out without a scratch, the reason I can walk around, the reason I am who I am today is because I can look directly in to my face and find my soul, it’s there, it’s not sold, i didn’t sell it, it’s still within me, I still feel it, my heart is still connected to my body.
The same crime element that white people are scared of black people are scared of. While they waiting for legislation to pass, we next door to the killer. All them killers they let out, they’re in that building. Just because we black, we get along with the killers? What is that? We need protection too.
And did you ever stop to think that im old enough to go to war but i aint old enough to drink.
It don’t stop ’til the casket drop.
It takes skill to be real. Time to heal each other
Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete? Proving nature’s laws wrong, it learned to walk without having feet. Funny, it seems to by keeping it’s dreams; it learned to breathe fresh air. Long live the rose that grew from concrete when no one else even cared.
I ain’t a killer, but don’t push me Revenge is like the sweetest joy next to gettin’ pussy.
Measure a man by his actions fully, from the beginning to the end. Don’t take a piece out of my life or a song out of my music and say this is what I’m about, because you know better than that.
I am society’s child. This is how they made me and now I’m sayin’ what’s on my mind and they don’t want that. This is what you made me, America.
For quiet times disappear listen to the ocean
How could Reagan live in a White House, which has a lot of rooms, and there be homelessness? And he’s talking about helping. I don’t believe that there is anyone that is going hungry in America simply by reason of denial or lack of ability to feed them. It is by people not knowing where or how to get this help. Why can’t he take people off the street and put them in his White House? Then he’ll have people from the streets to help him with his ideas. Not helpless! Homeless! Not helpless They haven’t been homeless forever. They’ve done things in society. The White House would be tainted because he doesn’t want to get dirty.
A coward dies a thousand times, a soldier dies but once.
I want to grow. I want to be better. You Grow. We all grow. We’re made to grow. You either evolve or you disappear.
I think being humble is sexy.
But I know for a fact that had I had a father, I’d have some discipline. I’d have more confidence. Your mother cannot calm you down the way a man can. Your mother can’t reassure you the way a man can. My mother couldn’t show me where my manhood was. You need a man to teach you how to be a man. When I was young I was quiet, withdrawn. I read a lot, wrote poetry, kept a diary. I watched TV all day. I stayed in front of the television. It was when I was in front of the TV by myself, being alone in the house by myself, having to cook dinner by myself, eat by myself. Just being by myself and looking at TV, at families and all these people out there in this pretend world. I knew I could be part of it if I pretended too, So early on I just watched and emulated … and I just thirsted for that. I thought if I could be and act like those characters, act like those people, I could have some of their joy. If I could act like I had a big family I wouldn’t feel as lonely.
i will live by the gun and die by the gun
I am not a perfectionist, but still I seek perfection. I am not a great romantic, but yet I yearn 4 affection
Did you hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete proving nature’s laws wrong it learned 2 walk without having feet
I don’t understand how people can stand next to you one year, and next year, they cannot. They’re going crazy, screaming. They can’t take it that you’re there. But last year I was in the same club, walking around, lonely. Couldn’t get a date or a dance. I was too skinny, too something, and now, «He’s just adorable. He’s just, oh!
There’s no way I could pay you back but my plan is to show you that I understand, you are appreciated
Everybody’s at war with different things… I’m at war with my own heart sometimes.
Forgive but don’t forget, girl keep your head up. And when he tells you you ain’t nothing, don’t believe him. And if he can’t learn to love you, you should leave him.
I’d rather die like a man, than live like a coward
No matter what these people say about me, my music does not glorify any image, my music is spiritual if you listen to it. It’s all about emotion, it’s all about life.
It seems like every time you come up something happens to bring you back down.
Fear is stronger than love.
Marlon Brando is not a gangster-actor, he’s an actor. Axl Rose and them are not gangster rock-and-rollers, they’re rock-and-rollers right. So I’m a rapper, this is what I do. I’m an artist.
I did not wanted to become the victim, so became the bully.
Can’t sleep ‘cause all the dirt make my heart hurt
As wars come and go, my soldier stays eternal
I believe that everything that you do bad comes back to you. So everything that I do that’s bad, I’m going to suffer from it. But in my mind, I believe what I’m doing is right. So I feel like I’m going to heaven
Today is filled with anger, fueled with hidden hate. Scared of being outkast, afraid of common fate. Today is build on tragedies which no one want’s to face. Nightmares to humanity and morally disgraced. Tonight is filled with Rage, violence in the air. Children bred with ruthlessness cause no one at home cares. Tonight I lay my head down but the pressure never stops, knowing that my sanity content when I’m droped. But tomorrow I see change, a chance to build a new, build on spirit intent of heart and ideas based on truth. Tomorrow I wake with second wind and strong because of pride. I know I fought with all my heart to keep the dream alive.
I’m not saying I’m gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world.
You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could’ve, would’ve happened… or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move on.
The only time I have problems is when I sleep.
If you could walk a mile in my shoes you’d be crazy too.
Fear is stronger than love, remember that. Fear is stronger than love, all that love I gave didn’t mean nothing when it came to fear.
There’s gon’ be some stuff you gon’ see that’s gon’ make it hard to smile in the future. But through whatever you see, through all the rain and the pain, you gotta keep your sense of humor. You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit. Remember that.
You gotta make a change. Its time for us as a people to start making some changes, lets change the way we eat, lets change the way we live, and lets change the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn’t working so its on us, to do what we gotta do to survive.
Is it a crime to fight for what is mine?
During your life, never stop dreaming. No one can take away your dreams
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while still alive. Never surrender.
You never know how strong you can be until being strong is the only choice you have left.
Whatever you see you gotta keep a sense of humor; you gotta be able to smile through all the bullshit.
If you can make it through the night, there’s a brighter day.
Even the genius ask questions.
Fear no man but only God
Watch for phonies, keep your enemies close nigga watch your homies
I know what good morals are, but you’re supposed to disregard good morals when you’re living in a crazy, bad world. If you’re in hell, how can you live like an angel? You’re surrounded by devils, trying to be an angel? That’s like suicide.
In life there are going to be some things that make it hard to smile. Through all the rain and pain you got to keep your sense of humor and smile for me now. Remember that.
Reality is wrong. Dreams are for the real.
I know it seems hard sometimes but remember one thing. Through every dark night, there’s a bright day after that. So no matter how hard it get, stick your chest out, keep ya head up…. and handle it.
You know it’s funny, when it rains it pours they got money for wars, but can’t feed the poor.
Only God Can Judge Me That which does not kill me can only make me stronger. I don’t see why everybody feel as though that they gotta tell me how to live my life
Where There is a will there is a will to search and discover a better day Where a positive heart is all you need to rise beyond and succeed Where young minds grow and respect each other based on their deeds and not their color when times are dim say as I say «Where there’s a will there’s a way!
I didn’t choose the thug life, the thug life chose me.
Only God can judge me now
My mama always used to tell me: ‘If you can’t find somethin’ to live for, you best find somethin’ to die for.
There’s no way that Michael Jackson or whoever Jackson should have a million thousand droople billion dollars and then there’s people starving. There’s no way! There’s no way that these people should own planes and there people don’t have houses. Apartments. Shacks. Drawers. Pants! I know you’re rich. I know you got 40 billion dollars, but can you just keep it to one house? You only need ONE house. And if you only got two kids, can you just keep it to two rooms? I mean why have 52 rooms and you know there’s somebody with no room?! It just don’t make sense to me. It don’t.
Since we all came from a women, got our name from a women, and our game from a women. I wonder why we take from women, why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think its time we killed for our women, be real to our women, try to heal our women, cus if we dont we’ll have a race of babies that will hate the ladies, who make the babies. And since a man can’t make one he has no right to tell a women when and where to create one
Don’t believe everything you hear: Real eyes, Realize, Real lies
You’re right. I am crazy. But you know what else? I don’t care.
They got money for wars but they can’t feed the poor.
I am a hard person to love but when I love, I love really hard.

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